Ideas Together is a newsletter that features people and places animated by the Wisconsin Idea. Many of the folks we highlight have engaged the Wisconsin Idea Seminar in some way: as collaborators, participants, expert advisors, …
WIS’17 Alum Justin Vandenbroucke Mines Data from the South Pole
As a graduate student, physicist Justin Vandenbroucke helped build the IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory, a cubic kilometer of sensors drilled deep into the ice. Now Vandenbroucke is an assistant professor in the Department of …
Weaving in the Local with Marianne Fairbanks
Walking into the classroom and studio spaces in the School of Human Ecology is enough to excite and stimulate the mind with a dynamic spectrum of colors, cloth, fabrics, and patterns. It is no wonder …
How Mid-Century Radio Inspires Stories of the Wisconsin Idea
Wisconsin native and son of Norwegian immigrants, William Evjue, founder of the Capital Times, delivered his famous weekly radio address, “Hello, Wisconsin,” broadcasted every Sunday across the state, throughout the 1940s and 1950s. Evjue would …
Photo Gallery: 2017 Seminar strengthens ties between UW-Madison and fellow Wisconsinites
Wisconsin Idea Seminar participants Léo Kim and Steve Barcus captured, edited, and captioned a great collection of images of the 2017 Wisconsin Idea Seminar. Together the images reflect the learning, friendship, and moments of …
A Big-City Ag High School Blossoms
Milwaukee’s Vincent High School, a destination of the 2017 Wisconsin Idea Seminar, was featured in Grow, a magazine produced by UW-Madison’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.